Cybersecurity Education For My Team

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Cybersecurity Education For My Team


Recent research shows that human error is responsible for more than 90% of data breaches. 90%. Let that sink in for a minute. For any business, large or small, that’s a pretty frightening statistic. No organization is immune to the risk of a cyber-attack. A social engineering scam needs only one thing to be successful, and that is for an employee to fail to recognize they are being deceived. The simple fact is that one mistake by a single employee could compromise an entire network. If your employees are not aware or prepared for social engineering cyber-attacks, your organization is vulnerable.
Can you imagine what the implications would be if personal and Financial information of ever employee in your company was leaked to and intruder?


 Educate you employees 

Employees are the eyes and ears on the ground in your business. Every device they use ,email they receive and program they open may contain clues about a lurking virus, phishing scam or password hack. But to really mobilize your employees as a force against attacks, you’ll need cybersecurity awareness training for them.
Firstly use training to help employees become aware if the unexplained errors, spam content and legitimate virus warnings . Then educate your staff on the process they should follow to report these red flags, as well as the tight people to talk to about suspicions of a cyberattack.